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How to Not Get Nudged

Nudging and manipulation in modern society, driven by advancements in technology and behavioral sciences, are pervasive. However, there are ways for individuals to resist and develop immunity to these persuasion tactics. By being forewarned, recognizing manipulation attempts, and undergoing debiasing interventions, individuals can better protect themselves. Additionally, they can avoid vulnerable moments, utilize avoidant resistance, and listen to their intuition. While escaping all influences is impossible, individuals can still choose their influencers and free their minds from undue manipulation.

The Psychology of Debt Collection

More and more people struggle with debt, and while people differ in their motivations, preferences, and their reasons not to pay, debt collection practices rarely take these factors into account. Using psychological insights, debt collection can be made more debtor-friendly and effective. The results: increased repayments for companies and a lower financial burden for consumers.

Behavioral Economist, Behave Yourself

Using cognitive mechanisms (commitment, loss aversion, social norms and suchlike), I hacked myself to boost my motivation for exercise and healthy habits, get in shape and lose 15 kilos (33 pounds)… all in a record six months.

Nudge Action: Overcoming Decision Inertia in Financial Planning Tools

Robo-advisors help investors deal with the complexity of the stock market. However, users of these new decision support systems are not immune to decision inertia – repeating supoptimal investment strategies regardless their negative financial consequences. I investigate two possible nudges to help user overcome decision inertia in robo-advisory environments.

Good for Some, Bad for Others: The Welfare Effects of Nudges

Nudges have become popular policy instruments, for good reasons. However, recent studies show they might sometimes backfire or cause undesired distributional effects – differing impacts across people. Such studies highlight the importance of careful policy analysis that examines both the average and distributional impacts of nudges.

Supporting Decision-Making under Uncertainty: Nudging, Boosting or Both?

Heuristics play an important role in daily judgments and decision-making, but a scientific debate has been ongoing as to whether heuristics result in systematic errors or make us smarter. Both approaches have resulted in tools to support decision-making. Nudges address systematic errors and biases, while boosts support informed decision-making under uncertainty. But can these two opposing approaches be integrated into one framework?

Nudges in Personal Finance: The Case of Overdrafts

Unarranged overdrafts are financial products which help personal current account holders deal with outstanding balances or declined payments. However, consumers have the tendency to use these products too often, underestimating their negative financial consequences. Concerned by their financial well-being, the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom has begun to address the issue through the application of nudges.

Using Multiple Social Nudges to Reduce Peak Energy Demand

Can multiple social nudges be combined to achieve behavior change in electricity consumption? Find out in this post.

Behavioural Science, Rationality and Public Policy

The language of rationality is closely tied to ideas from behavioural science, economics and nudge theory, but how does it shape the way we make public policy and should we be casting it under a critical eye? Read this post to find out more.

Applying Behavioral Science to App Design: A Short Journey

Like many of you, I work in problem domains that are bedeviled by complexities, often in dispersed teams of people with different skills. New technologies are thrown into this problem solving mix with an accompaniment of overwhelming hyperbole on a daily basis. It soon becomes a case of struggling to see the forest for the trees. How exactly do we marry behavioral science, app design and engineering in an organized, coherent and repeatable manner in such a workplace?

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