Latest Insights2024-06-05T08:46:08+00:00

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What Behavioral Scientists Should Know about Hofstede’s Cultural Framework

Geert Hofstede revolutionized cultural research in the 1970s with a massive survey of IBM employees worldwide, using factor analysis to identify six key cultural dimensions. While his framework remains influential, it's essential for behavioral scientists to explore beyond these dimensions, acknowledge within-country diversity, and leverage modern research methods and technology. This nuanced approach can lead to more accurate and culturally sensitive insights in a rapidly evolving global landscape.

The Wealth of Wellbeing: A Behavioural Science Perspective

When we think about wellbeing, we often think about our health, including our mental state. Research has found that good financial health has a huge influence on improving overall wellbeing, while poor financial health is linked to stress, depression and lack of productivity. People in receipt of financial education often report feeling more confident, more in control of personal finances and exhibit better financial behaviours. Good finances have an added positive impact on the wider community and generations to come.

Different Dinners: Unlocking Behavioural Insights for a Sustainable Food Future

In 2022, Auckland Council undertook an innovative research project utilising behavioural insights, which was designed to support Auckland households to make more sustainable and climate friendly food choices, i.e., to eat less meat. This ‘Different Dinners’ project is part of a broader programme of work looking at how Auckland Council can respond to its commitments to address climate change. The results were positive and demonstrate that Aucklanders are both willing to and did make changes to their diets. All interventions tested resulted in increased climate-friendly food choices.

The Making of an Expert: The Joy Factor

The pursuit of expertise has been a longstanding goal for us humans. Drawing from key research on how we build skills, we highlight the intrinsic connection between joy and the development of expertise in one’s field. By understanding joy as a vital component of expertise, we propose the concept of joyful expertise – a holistic approach to skill development. Potential contributors to joyful expertise include social connection, grit and resilience building, finding aligned environments, and the prioritization of holistic well-being.

Decoding Human Behaviour: An Exploration of Behavioural Science Methodologies

Selecting the right methodology for researching and exploring human behaviour can be a challenge. This article provides an overview of different applied behavioural science methodologies and offers some simple steps toward selecting the most suitable approach to gain insights into human behaviour.

By |February 3rd, 2024|Behavioral Theory & Insights, Research Methods|

Pricing Strategy: How Our Brains Keep Us Stuck

Pricing strategy is a funny area of business that everyone seems to hate. What role does the brain play in this, and how can you leverage behavioral economics to overcome your brain’s natural tendencies?

By |December 4th, 2023|Business & Management, Marketing & Consumer Behavior|
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