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How to Depolarize Ourselves: Communication and Understanding Across Cultures

The world is becoming increasingly polarized, as is seen through evidence of “us” versus “them” mindsets. Divisions have evolved into partisanship across groups, highlighting the need to understand how we differ culturally and across groups, why we are becoming more polarized, and how we can begin to reduce the impact of these divides. Cross-cultural and other models provide insight into how individuals differ across groups, and how we can reconnect with those around us.

National Identity and Public Health Behaviors During Covid-19

In a massive international collaboration including more than 200 researchers, we examined the adoption of public health behaviors and support of public policy interventions during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. We found that individuals who identified more strongly with their nation reported greater engagement in public health behaviors and greater support for public health policies. This result was later replicated using aggregated behavioral data.

Changing Your Mind

Changing one’s mind is a difficult, painful process. What kind of appeals are effective at changing the minds of others? How can you work on evaluating information objectively, such that you would reconsider your previous ideas?

How Donald Trump Won the Election: A Behavioral Economics Explanation

By Tim Gohmann   While the media focused on Donald Trump’s denigration of women, war heroes, Latinos and Muslims, Trump was building not just support but commitment from his core target — working-class, non-college–educated white males — to get out and vote. What was juvenile and embarrassing to the intellectual was the “silver bullet” that [...]

No I Won’t, but Yes We Will: How the Social Side of Decision-Making and Behavior Is Worthy of a Closer Look

By Guy Champniss   I still have vivid memories of when I was little and I started to misbehave, my mother would bend down and whisper something in my ear. Each time, it was the same thing. And each time, it stopped me dead in my tracks. ‘People are watching you’ she’d say. I’d look around [...]

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