information avoidance

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Can Behavioural Insights Help Us Improve Our Relationship With Ourselves?

While it’s true that self-confidence partially comes from the feeling that the people around us approve of us (something we can’t control), what we can control is how much emphasis we place on others’ opinions. Several of the thoughts that undermine - if not entirely diminish - our self-confidence come from systematic errors in judgement. Despite being commonly applied to economic decision-making, behavioural insights may explain how we, at times harshly and irrationally, judge ourselves.

Changing Your Mind

Changing one’s mind is a difficult, painful process. What kind of appeals are effective at changing the minds of others? How can you work on evaluating information objectively, such that you would reconsider your previous ideas?

Information Avoidance in the Information Age

Ignorance is bliss: How much would you pay to avoid threatening information?

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