risk preferences

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A Safe Space: Privacy Concerns and Financial Support Tools

Consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about data privacy in their interactions with tools that support financial decision-making. The authors of this TFI research project investigate the impact of privacy concerns on consumers’ use of financial support tools by conducting four experiments using a savings calculator tool, a mortgage calculator tool and an investment advice tool.

When Red Means “Go”: Color and Cultural Reactance in Risk Preferences

Color can affect judgment and decision making, and its effects may vary across cultures. Research reported in this article shows that cross-cultural color effects on risk preferences are influenced by personal associations of color-gain/loss. Our research finds a cultural reactance effect, a phenomenon in which people who hold culturally incongruent (vs. cultural mainstream) color associations show a stronger risk preference.

All’s Well That Ends Better: The Need for an Emotionally Rewarding Finish Leads to Risk Taking at the End

New research shows how our motivational need for an emotionally rewarding ending affects decision-making.

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