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Rationality, Disclosure, and the “Privacy Paradox”

Many of us say we care about our privacy, but often disclose personal information. This asymmetry is called the “privacy paradox”. This phenomenon is only a paradox, however, if we assume people are rational or engage in rational disclosure decision-making. Taking into account our cognitive biases and the way online platforms are designed, it comes as no surprise that our disclosure behavior doesn’t always match our privacy preferences.

In Mobile We Trust: How Mobile Reviews Influence Consumer Decisions

Consumers often use online reviews as a source of information in their decisions to purchase products and services. In our research, we examine a novel cue that consumers use to infer whether a review is effortful and credible: an indication that the review was written on a mobile device. Implications of this research may impact how brands and online platforms choose to encourage and disseminate consumer-generated-content.

Nudge Action: Overcoming Decision Inertia in Financial Planning Tools

Robo-advisors help investors deal with the complexity of the stock market. However, users of these new decision support systems are not immune to decision inertia – repeating supoptimal investment strategies regardless their negative financial consequences. I investigate two possible nudges to help user overcome decision inertia in robo-advisory environments.

Applying Behavioral Science to App Design: A Short Journey

Like many of you, I work in problem domains that are bedeviled by complexities, often in dispersed teams of people with different skills. New technologies are thrown into this problem solving mix with an accompaniment of overwhelming hyperbole on a daily basis. It soon becomes a case of struggling to see the forest for the trees. How exactly do we marry behavioral science, app design and engineering in an organized, coherent and repeatable manner in such a workplace?

Three Ways the Internet of Things Is Shaping Consumer Behavior

The interconnection of devices within the “Internet of Things” (IoT) creates new data sources. Companies can now better observe people’s choices and test the effectiveness of different mechanisms to activate and retain more customers. It may also help policymakers overcome one of the most frequent problems of policy design: the lack of personalized content. We argue that the IoT not only disrupts the way we track our actions and monitor our goals, but also allows the identification of effective methods to alter our behavior. This is optimized by the combination of IoT, data analytics and behavioral science.

Big Data Is Nudging You

Slow to hit the purchase button? Here’s how you may be nudged to buy.

Trust, the Sharing Economy and Behavioral Economics

Getting trust right is critical to commerce and economic growth. Evidence from behavioral economics can help guide the way.

A Nudge for Coverage: Last-Mile Problems for Health Insurance

A variety of case studies demonstrate the powerful combination of data science and behavioral science. Perhaps the health insurance market can benefit as well.

Five Reasons Why We Compromise Our Privacy Online

Historically, most of us have been concerned about information privacy on the internet. But when it comes to our actual behavior, many of us liberally share personal information online, a finding termed the ‘privacy paradox’ in the academic literature. Why this apparent gap between attitudes and behavior?

The Nudge Is Not Enough! The Love Story Between Behavioral Science and Practical Applications

Nudges are great, but they aren’t enough. While they are elegant, nudges are (often) just tweaks augmenting a pre-existing service or policy regardless of its quality, appropriateness or fitness. It is time to go from nudging to behavioral design.

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